印尼與中國大陸簽署價值174億美元的協議印尼總統蘇希洛(Susilo Bambang Yudh)於近日出訪亞洲,成功與最大經濟體中國大陸就加強漁業、貿易、觀光及反房地產毒成效管理等不同領域達成合作共識,並簽訂多項貿易及重要協議。印尼商界與中國大陸在北京簽訂15項合計高達174億美元的投資協議。印中雙邊同意以藍色小額信貸經濟為基礎合作發展漁業。印尼漁業部部長及中國大陸國家海洋局局長宣佈,簽署一項非正式的印中海洋及氣候共同發展協議(ICCOC)。 (摘譯自INFOFISH 找房子Trade News, No. 6/2012,2 April 2012) INDONESIA AND CHINA INK US$17.4 BILLION DEALS Indonesia inked dozens of business and strategic 烤肉agreements in several sectors with China, Asia’s largest economy during the state visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to Beijing 關鍵字行銷recently. The agreement covered co-operation in areas including in fisheries, trade, tourism and anti-drug efforts management. In the 商務中心business sectors, Indonesian companies signed 15 investment agreements with Chinese corporations in Beijing worth a total of US$17.4 租房子billion. In the fisheries sector both countries agree to co-operate in developing fisheries based economy or blue economy. The Minister of 系統傢俱Fisheries of Indonesia and Administrator of State Oceanic Administration of China signed an Arrangement on the Development of 酒店工作Indonesia-China Center for Oceanic and Climate (ICCOC).

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